
hunter since 19/09/2011
stories: 32
paths: 4
witnesses: 6
photo: 1
score: 341


Hello everyone, I'm one of the founders of Memoro project.
I'm italian, from Torino, region well known for good food and great wines.
I've been in the East Coast for filming and collecting memories in 2009. I had really great times and here you may find some of the interviews recorded.
One suggestion: spend time listening to elderlies, you'll have a great experience.
2.5 min
Joseph spent his childhood surrounded by family. His cousins and grandparents lived closed by in Brooklyn and he saw them almost every day.
viewed 7696 times
0.8 min
Joseph describes his first car, a '48 Pontiac.
viewed 6901 times
2.6 min
When Joseph was a child there was no TV or videogames. Childred played outside whole day long. The played all kinds of sports and games that don't exist any more. They often listened to the radio which encourag...
viewed 7492 times
1.5 min
Joseph reminds that the idea of an Italian as a "mafioso" and a "connected person" is still wide spread in the US.
viewed 7319 times
3.5 min
Joseph recalls the wartime years. He was thirteen when president Roosevelt declared war to Japan. In the US his family felt the consequences of war but they were also aware that it was not nearly as bad as in E...
viewed 7481 times
2.7 min
Even though he is a child of Italian immigrants and had studied and teachd Italian for many years, he visited Italy for the first time when he was forty. It was a beautiful experience and he came back many time...
viewed 7943 times